AIM Digital Technologies


Difference Between Manual and Automation Testing

By Hammad Tariq - October 02,2023
Manual Vs Automation testing blog

In software development, software testing is critical to ensure that software functionalities work as planned and provide excellent user experiences. It is a crucial mechanism for identifying defects, vulnerabilities, and functional gaps, allowing organizations to rectify them before deployment. Two main approaches to testing are manual testing and automation testing. In this article, we will explore the key differences between these two approaches, the advantages, and disadvantages of each, and analyze the scenarios in which they are most effective.

What is Manual Testing?

Manual testing refers to a software testing approach where human testers execute test cases without relying on automated tools or scripts for execution. It involves human testers running test cases, observing system behavior, and validating functionality through manual interaction. The tester performs various actions to validate the software's functionality from an end user's perspective. This approach allows for flexibility in identifying complex scenarios and providing real-time feedback on system behavior. This approach is particularly effective in scenarios that require exploratory testing where testers can uncover potential risks, edge cases, and usability flaws that automated tools may miss leading to improved overall software quality and customer satisfaction.

Disadvantages And Advantages of Manual Testing Over Automation Testing

Pros of Manual Testing

Cons of Manual Testing

Cost-Effectiveness: Manual testing can be cost-effective for small-scale projects, as software testers do not need to work on specialized automation tools.

Less Efficient: Since humans do manual testing, it is mostly subject to human errors. These errors may include bugs caused by lack of focus, misunderstanding of the requirements, lack of knowledge, and distraction, due to which testers might miss any test case execution.

Human Involvement: Manual testing allows testers to explore the system using their skills, human intelligence, and critical thinking. Testers can think critically and apply diverse test scenarios that automated tests may not address.
Time Consuming: Manual testing is time-consuming; testers need to repetitively execute the same test cases and report defects repeatedly on each build. This repetitive nature of manual testing can lead to inefficiencies and time-consuming in the overall testing timeline.

Evaluating UX: Manual testing is beneficial for evaluating an application's user experience (UX). Testers can evaluate the application's usability, design, and general user satisfaction. Testers can use the application from an end-user perspective and give effective feedback.

Limited Scalability: As the complexity and size of a software application increases, manual testing becomes less efficient and scalable. The human resources required for executing extensive test cases and repetitive tasks can be overwhelming and time-consuming.
Flexibility to Changing Requirements: Manual testers can modify test cases on the fly and explore different scenarios based on their thinking. Manual testing allows testers to quickly adapt to changing requirements or new features without doing rework.

Costly Process: Manual testing requires human testers to manually execute test cases, which can be time-consuming and costly. Due to time constraints and human limitations, manual testing may only cover some possible test scenarios.

Ad Hoc Testing: Manual testing allows for ad hoc testing, where testers can perform unplanned and spontaneous testing without any documentation based on their thinking, idea, or user feedback.

Repetitive Testing: Manual testing is ineffective if the software testers must repeatedly execute the same test cases on each release. Re-executing a large set of test cases manually for each release or change can be error-prone and inefficient.

Real World Scenarios: Manual testing is particularly effective in handling complex scenarios and test cases that may be challenging to automate. Testers can apply their expertise to simulate real-world usage conditions.

Limited Coverage: It could be difficult for the testers to test the application on different Operating systems and environments in manual testing. Additionally, testers might find out the difficulty in executing parallel testing on multiple browsers manually. It's difficult for the testers to cover all the test cases, which can impact the test coverage and plan.

What is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is a software testing approach involving automated tools or scripts to execute test cases. Unlike manual testing, which relies on human testers, automation testing utilizes technology to perform various actions, test system behavior, and validate functionality. Moreover, automation testers write code or use automation tools to create test scripts that can run automatically to validate the software's functionality. Furthermore, automation testing is particularly beneficial for regression testing, where previously tested functionalities are retested to ensure that new changes have not introduced defects. This approach allows testers to focus on more complex scenarios, and gain extra time to explore edge cases, leading to improved software quality and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Disadvantages And Advantages of Automation Testing Over Manual Testing

Pros of Automation Testing

Cons of Automation Testing

More Efficient: Automation testing is carried out by automation tools or scripts, greatly reducing the chance of overlooking test cases. This makes it more efficient compared to manual testing methods.

Costly as compared to manual testing: Automation testing can be costly because creating robust and reliable test scripts requires time, effort, and skilled automation engineers. Setting up the automation environment, regular maintenance, and updates are also necessary to keep the scripts aligned with changes in the application under test.

Accelerated Test Execution: Automation testing is performed using automation tools, which enables faster execution of test cases compared to manual testing by humans. The automated tools can efficiently run the test cases, leading to accelerated test execution.
Complexity: Developing automation scripts can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with complex scenarios that require thorough consideration. Test automation engineers must possess a strong understanding of coding principles and be proficient in scripting and debugging. These skills are crucial to developing robust and accurate test scripts that simulate complex testing scenarios.

Time Saving: Automation test cases can be run more quickly and efficiently by the automation tool that eliminates the need for human involvement, saving a lot of time compared to manual testing.

Maintenance: During the development lifecycle of an application, updates or changes in its functionality or user interface can impact existing test scripts. Maintaining test scripts compatible with the latest versions of the application may require modifications to existing test scripts, adding to the maintenance effort.
Improved Test Coverage: Automation enables testers to execute many test cases in a shorter time frame, increasing overall test coverage. Automation testing offers testers to execute test cases on different environments; by using parallel execution, automation testing can efficiently cover different operating systems, browsers, and devices, ensuring compatibility and stability across platforms.

Limitations: Automation tests follow predefined scripts and cannot replicate the human judgment and intuition that manual testing offers. Automation testing may not be suitable for all types of test cases. Some scenarios, such as one-time or ad-hoc tests, may not justify the investment in automation, making manual testing a more suitable option.

Scalability and reusability: Automation testing offers scalability and reusability advantages, particularly in the context of regression testing, in verifying the functionalities that were previously tested successfully. Furthermore, automation testing is well-suited for executing test cases that require frequent repetition. These features contribute to the scalability and reusability of automation testing, making it an efficient and valuable testing method.

Test Case Writing: Setting up the automation test environment can be time-consuming, involving hardware, software, test data, and dependencies. Writing efficient, reliable, and maintainable code takes time and expertise.

Cost-effectiveness: Automation testing presents a cost-effective solution for projects with extensive scope and many test cases. Automation testing allows for the creation of test suites that can be reused in the long run, minimizing the reliance on manual testing and reducing the need for human intervention in test case execution.

Resource Availability: Automation testing often requires skilled resources with expertise in scripting languages, testing frameworks, and tools. However, the availability of experienced automation engineers may be limited, posing challenges in finding qualified individuals for maintenance tasks, leading to delays or increased workload.


In conclusion, both manual and automated testing have advantages and disadvantages. To achieve an effective testing strategy, organizations must carefully evaluate the specific needs of their projects and choose an effective approach. The selected approach should be aligned and communicated between the team, such as developers, designers, stakeholders, and product owners. The ultimate goal is to deliver high-quality software solutions that align with customer expectations and ensure optimal user experiences.

AIM Digital Technologies Quality Assurance Services

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  • Boost customer satisfaction
  • Enhance reliability
  • Eliminate glitches

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Ready to optimize your testing strategy and wants to explore real-world examples of successful testing strategies? Check out our case studies and learn how organizations achieved remarkable results by implementing effective testing methodologies.

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Written by
Hammad Tariq
